I am glad to see, that you have opened up this
very section of my homepage, as it shows your interest in mediation and / or
you are willing to solve and to put an end to some dispute.
In the event that you are interested to find
out what mediation means, here comes the answer:
Mediation is a process, providing a solution to
the contending parties, based on the “win – win” principle. It is a structured
co-operation process on voluntary basis whereby the parties attempt to reach a
mutually acceptable agreement on the settlement of their dispute with the
assistance of a mediator; This means, that the purpose of mediation is not a
compromise (i.e. a settlement in the course of litigation), rather – a
consensus. A mediator is a professional, who fulfils a function of “a bridge”
in between two conflicting parties. Mediation is a conflict solution method in
a developed society, which is more and more often used also in Latvia. The
mediation process in Latvia is regulated by the Mediation Law, however, the
same mediation principles have been internationally approved, and are widely
applied also in Latvia:
Voluntary Participation (the individual is
involved in the process voluntarily);
Confidentiality (information that is
obtained through mediation or is related thereto shall be confidential and
remain in “the mediation room”);
Neutrality and Disinterest of a Mediator (a mediator
shall have a neutral attitude towards the parties. The mediator shall allow the
parties themselves to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator shall
be personally disinterested in the outcome of mediation).
Mediation is applied for solution of various
disputes. As concerns Latvia, it is most often used in solving family disputes,
inheritance distribution matters, criminal proceedings, labour disputes,
commercial disputes. In other countries, mediation is widely applied also in solution
of taxation disputes.